How to set up AVG Antivirus
AVG Antivirus does not affect installation of ActivityMon products nor its monitoring, but it can delay and complicate the installation. We sugest to do the steps described in this guide to avoid any complications.
In the AVG Antivirus main window click the Menu button on the top bar. In the shown popup menu select the Settings item.

In the Settings window select the Components tab. Click the switch of the File Shield component and from the popup menu select the Stop permanently.

AVG Antivirus will ask for the confirmation, click the Yes button.

Do the same for Behavior Shiled: click the switch and from the popup menu select the Stop permanently.

AVG Antivirus will again ask for the confirmation, click the Yes button.

Install the ActivityMon product now.
After the ActivityMon product installation turn on the stopped shields: on the AVG Antivirus main window click the Fix now button.